Andreea Dunaeva, La Laure Pétchersk du „Pays des Cosaques” dans les notes de voyage de Paul d’Alep
Andreea Dunaeva - Université de Bucarest
p. 307-314
Online publication date:
Paul of Aleppo; Macarius Ibn al-Zaʽīm; Lavra Petchersk; Ukraine; 17th century, travel notes
This article surveys the information comprised in Paul of Aleppo’s travel notes from the “Cossacks’ country” (present-day Ukraine), particularly concerning his visit to the greatest monastic establishment there, Lavra Petchersk, while accompanying his father Patriarch Macarius Ibn al-Zaʽīm on his seven-year long journey to Eastern Europe and Muscovy. The relevance of the data recorded by the Syrian Archbishop and his interest for specific details are examined, in order to assess the value of his notes for further research on the Ukrainian spiritual culture of the 17th century.
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