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61 (2023)
Radu G. Păun, Prier dans le « Jardin de la Mère de Dieu ». La commémoration des ktitors au Pyrgos de l’Albanais (monastère de Hilandar, Mont Athos, ms. Hilandar 519)
Ciprian Firea, Des patrons « latins » et leurs peintres « grecs » dans la Transylvanie médiévale : quelques réflexions sur la peinture de l´église saxonne de Dârlos (Durles)
Vlad Bedros, The Devotion to the Five Companions in Moldavian Texts and Images, ca 1480 – ca 1530: Between Trebizond and Mount Athos
Elisabeta Negrău, Lost Icon Prototypes from the Times of Neagoe Basarab
Mihai Țipău, Constantinople, Bucharest, Venice. Versified Greek “Histories” and Their Journeys (17th-18th Centuries)
Ștefan Petrescu, From Bucharest to Athens: Reflecting on the Balkan Cooperation in the Greek-language Newspapers
Constantin Ardeleanu, ‘A Right Inherent in Sovereignty’. Romania, the European Commission of the Danube and the Sulina Sanitary Service (1878–1884)
Orlin Sabev, The Unimagined History of an Imagined Bridge Over the Danube between Giurgiu and Ruse
Daniel Cain, Delimitation of the New Romanian-Bulgarian Land Border (1913-1914)
Cătălina Vătășescu, Les Albanais et l’Albanie dans l’œuvre de Nicolae Iorga
Jacques Bouchard, Un microcosme carcéral à l’image de l’Empire Ottoman dans Les Loisirs de Philothée de Nicolas Mavrocordatos
Marian Ciucă, The Public Image of an 18th-Century Prince in statu nascendi. Nicolaos Mavrocordatos as Reflected in his Correspondence
Lia Brad Chisacof, Is Literature a Key to Understanding Society?
Ileana Mihăilă, A Romanian Scholar in the Age of Enlightenment: Ianake Văcărescu
Andrei Eșanu, Educational Values in the Vita Constantini Cantemyrii by Dimitrie Cantemir
Lusine Sargsyan, Zsolt Magyari-Sáska, Armenian Printed Books in the Library of Armenian Catholic Parish in Gheorgheni (17th-19th Centuries)
Andrei Emilciuc, Russia’s Cordon Sanitaire in the Danube Delta and the Role of the Sulina Quarantine (1834–1856)
Virginia Blînda, Les infracteurs des lois quarantenaires (1831–1851)