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58 (2020)
Boško I. Bojović, Byzance et les Slaves méridionaux : alliances dynastiques matrimoniales (Xe–XVe siècles)
Ovidiu Cristea, The Siege of Zemun in 1165 and a Gesture of Power of Manuel I Komnenos
David Linus Neagu, “King of All the Armenians”: Lewon I and the Armenian Church
Viorel Panaite, Radu Dipratu, A Forgotten Capitulation (‘ahdname): The Commercial Privileges Granted by Sultan Ahmed I to Emperor Matthias in 1617
Ioana Feodorov, Recent Findings Regarding the Early Arabic Printing in the Eastern Ottoman Provinces
Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Faith and the Challenges of Worldly Power. What Is Left of Orthodoxy?
Peter Mackridge, Enlightenment and Entertainment: the Intolerable Lightness of Phanariot Literature, 1750–1800
Ștefan Petrescu, Nicolae Mavros. The Lifestyle of a Wallachian Boyar of Greek Origin in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Seyranouche Manoukyan, L’art des icônes des Arméniens de Roumanie
Mariam Vardanyan, Altar Crosses in Romanian-Armenian Church Tradition
Empire’s Legacy in the Balkans: Romania and Bulgaria in the 20th Century Proceedings of the session held at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 2–6 September 2019). Editors: Cristina Diac and Alexandre Kostov
Alexandre Kostov, L’héritage habsbourgeois et ottoman dans l’Europe du Sud-Est : les réseaux de chemins de fer
Cristina Diac, A Linguistic Babylon or Competing Linguistic Imperialisms? The Languages Spoken by Communists in Interwar Romania
Aneta Mihaylova, Crossing the Borders of Former Empires: Patrick Leigh Fermor and His Journey Through the Balkans in the 1930s
Carmen Stratone, Between the French Legacy and the Soviet Imperialism. The Romanian Culture in the ’50s and Its Instrument – the National Institute for Promoting Romanian Culture Abroad
Alexandru-Murad Mironov, Elaborating on a Limit of the Socialist Model. Pensions, Retirees, Retirement Systems in Post-War Romania
Vasile Buga, Blocage soviétique envers les propositions de Roumanie concernant l’élargissement des collaborations dans les Balkans dans les années ’70 du XXe siècle
Aleka Strezova, The Remembrance of the First World War in Bulgaria
Aneta Mihaylova, World War II Revisited: New Approaches and Interpretations in the National Historiographies of Bulgaria and Romania after 1989
Daniel Vatchkov, Le mythe de la protection du travail à l’époque communiste comme source de la nostalgie dans la société bulgare contemporaine
Blagovest Njagulov, Médias et histoire en Bulgarie contemporaine
Rumyana Chukova, Legitimizing New National Identity Through the Monuments: the Case of Macedonia and Post-Soviet Central Asian Republics