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Stelu Șerban, Introduction. Reviving the Past. Images and Discourses in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
Dagnoslaw Demski, Another Past, Another Context. Reflections on Modern European Display
Maria Mateoniu, Les musées « ethnographiques » de Roumanie dans la première moitié du 20e siècle. Des moments fondateurs aux programmes muséographiques
Dominika Czarnecka, What are Military Museums for? Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian Case Studies
Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska, On the Performative Power of Stereotypes: WWII Historical Re-enactment and National Identities
Stelu Șerban, Crossing the Border in the Museographic Discourse. Ideology and Marketization
Maria Markova, The (Auto)biographical Stories of the Bulgarians from Western Thrace and of Their Descendants - Thinking of the History and the Identity
Sebastian Ștefănuca, Markers and Symbols of the Identity Phenomenon within the Hellenic Populations Colonized in Northern Greece
Evgenia Troeva, The ‘Reborn’ of the ‘First Capital’ of the Bulgarian State in the National Cultural Memory
Virginia Blînda, Quelques considérations sur les peines associées a l’univers des livres dans les Principautés Danubiennes et dans l’Empire Ottoman (milieu du XIXe siècle)
Milena Marinova, Presentation of “the Ideal” and “the Other” Models of Family Formation in Bulgarian Films of the 1970s
Adrian Robu, Coutumes et transferts institutionnels dans l’Antiquité : le calendrier de Mégare et de ses colonies
Liliana Simeonova, Border Control and Shipping on the Lower Danube in Late Antiquity and in the 9th and 10th Centuries
Ivan Biliarsky, The Institution of Bans in Medieval and Ottoman Bulgaria
Penka Danova, Rerum memorabilium tabula: Nikopol dans les notes de géographie et d’histoire des écrivains européens (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
Andrei Pippidi, Deux enquêtes du XVIIe siècle sur l’Empire Ottoman
David Neagu, The War of the Antiochene Succession. Lewon I’s Game of Diplomacy
Davit Ghazaryan, The Armenian Manuscript of the Strahov Library (Stephanyan’s Gramatice)
Arpine Simonyan, The Stylistic and Pictorial Peculiarities of “The Last Supper” and “Washing of the Feet” Engravings in the Vanandetsi Publications
Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann, Byzantinische Arztgelehrte (Iatrosophisten) in postbyzantinischer Zeit
Doru Adrian Lixandru, Un monarchisme fasciste : repenser la nature de la dictature royale roumaine des années 1938-1940
Ioana Feodorov, Les chrétiens orthodoxes arabes à I ‘époque ottomane : vue depuis Moscou