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TOME LV 2017
Vasilica Lungu, Hellenistic Portable Altars and Incense Burners, Thymiateria and Arulae. Examples of Albeşti and Callatis
Florica Bechet, A Fire Sap Willow on the Personality and Family of the Pre-Hellenic Zeus
Francesco Monticini, L’infiniment grand, l’infiniment petit. Astronomie et oniromancie dans le Liber Thesauri Occulti de Romanus Pascalis
Lorenzo M. Ciolfi, From Byzantium to the Web: the Endurance of John III Doukas Vatatzes’ Legacy
Marija Vasilijević, Imagining the Ruler’s Genealogy in Medieval Serbia
Tudor Teoteoi, Une ambassade byzantine à la cour serbe (1327) et les Vlaques
Robert Born, The Ottoman Expansion and the Development of Cartography in East-Central Europe (15th–18th Centuries)
Andrei Timotin, Un opuscule vénitien méconnu sur le déclin de l’Empire Ottoman: Breve compendio de notabili vaticinii (1687)
Andrei Pippidi, Two Old Files on Nicholas Mavrocordatos
Lia Brad Chisacof, So the Last Will Be First. On Some Manuscripts Containing Phanariot Poetry Kept in the Library of the Romanian Academy
Davit Ghazaryan, Lusine Sargsyan, Some Armenian Amulets from the Romanian Collections (Part II)
Oana Iacubovschi, An Overlooked Representation of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste in the Metropolitan Church of Suceava. Literary Sources and Iconographic Context
Cornel Tatai-Baltă, Anca Elisabeta Tatay, Représentations de saint Jean Chrysostome dans la xylographie des livres roumains anciens (XVIIe–XIXe siècle)
Ștefan Ionescu-Berechet, Les inscriptions de l’église Şubești de Câmpulung-Muscel
Ligia Livadă-Cadeschi, Les marchés de la santé. Les publications médicales périodiques roumaines : Călăuza sanitară şi igienică (« Le guide sanitaire et hygiénique »), 1899–1907
Virginia Blînda, La censure moldo-valaque – lecture d’une image
Constantin Ardeleanu, Fishing in Politically Troubled Waters: the Fishermen of Vylkove, Romanian Nation-Making and an International Organization in the Danube Delta in late 1850s and early 1860s
Ștefan Petrescu, The Romanian Student Trip to Athens (on August 27 – September 10, 1901)